Remember BENGHAZI And Hillary

Lately there have been renewed calls for congressional hearings and that means trouble for both Obama and Hillary Clinton. As a result, the House Intelligence Committee recently heard classified testimony from five eye-witnesses to the events of 9/11/12 showing that both Obama and Hillary lied (although most Americans know that they are both LIARS!).

Based on testimony recently given to the House Intelligence Committee that when Tyrone Woods and his team arrived they found one agent in the closet of the consulate and others unarmed.

Those statements given at the hearing contradict earlier reporting and “official” accounts and mean that in my opinion that absolutely nothing in earlier reporting and “official” accounts can be believed and, sadly, Admiral Mullen, co-author of State’s ARB report, has been duped or is complicit in the lies. This means that Mr. Westmoreland’s revelations, point to the sad fact that prior testimony given to the House Intelligence Committee were all lies and the reporting on the event and all of the “official” accounts about the event are based on State Department “fabrications.”

Because of Mr. Westmoreland’s statements, there will be trouble for Hillary in the future regarding Hillary’s presidential aspirations.

I do NOT think Fox, the blogosphere, social media, etc. will permit Hillary’s hand-holders in the MSM to let the matter die. In fact, it has risen interest now in most Americans sine they now know that both Obama and Hillary Clinton are LIARS!

In fact, I would NOT be surprised if Obama’s thugs talked to CBS about their “60 Minutes” hit piece on BENGHAZI!

REMEMBER BENGHAZI and lies told by Obama prior to the election to show how incompetent he is – please post “REMEMBER BENGHAZI” in all YOUR post so that the people DO NOT forget!

Why Obama Should Be Impeached

Obama should be impeached and convicted in my opinion. However, it will never happen since the senate is controlled by another CROOK, Harry Reid.

Nationally, we can only remove a president by either voting him out (in this case, Obama won the election by fraud!) or by impeachment and conviction.

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution states that, “The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. Obama has abused or violated the public trust by going around Congress and breaking the laws and or Constitution. However, Obama knows he can get away with doing what he does because the senate will protect him!

In our country, both Houses of Congress and the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice are involved in the impeachment process. Article I, Section 2, paragraph 5 grants “the sole Power of Impeachment” to the House of Representatives (A simple majority vote suffices). However, Article I, Section 3, paragraph 5 declares that the Senate has “the sole Power to try all Impeachments,” needing a two thirds vote by the senate. Thus, Obama is really protected by the socialist/democrats led by Harry Reid (you know the gut that broke 225 years of tradition so that Obama could get his nominees on the judicial bench before the 2014 election!). In addition, the Constitution provides that the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice presides at a president’s trial.

Just what is “High Crimes and Misdemeanors'”? The term “high” signified a very serious crime. The phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” boils down to abuses of power and misconduct in office. Well, isn’t that what Obama has committed?

Let’s see, why not make a brief list of Obama’s Impeachable Offenses.

Operation Fast and Furious knew nothing about it, yet was willing to provide Holder executive privilege (meaning Obama knew about it!)
drone attacks that murdered American citizens abroad
BENGHAZI fiasco and its aftermath, just to list four.

Other impeachable offenses, might include the IRS targeting of conservatives, DOJ spying on reporters, NSA spying on Americans with Obama’s blessing, maybe faking the unemployment numbers to be below 8%, cheating to win the election (over 100% turnout in many districts and people accepting the crime that they voted more than once and in swing states as well), delaying for one year Obamacare’s mandate that large businesses provide healthcare insurance for employees (making his own law while saying I do not need Congress to make laws), demanded that insurance companies rescind cancellation of pre-Obamacare health insurance policies (also against the law), Lying about citizens keeping their health insurance plans and doctors once Obamacare took effect, etc.

Of course, these are just what we know about the LIAR and CROOK! Unless Obama drastically changes his MO, which I doubt (he was in the process of having his law license revoke by the bar for LYING on his application – thus, Obama is a LIAR)!

I focus on Obama’s violation of the Constitution’s stipulation (Article II, section 3) that a president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed….”. However, we must not forget that Obama has also abused his power!

Never mind that Obama lied when he said that citizens could keep their health insurance policies and doctors once Obamacare took effect. And then was able to get the law passed and then had the balls to justify Obama’s lies (REMEMBER THE WORD “IF” – no one else does).

When it comes to taking care that “the Laws be faithfully executed,” however, Obama is liable as mentioned above! The Constitution does not permit a president (single-handedly) to change a law’s provision at his will.

Like it or not, Obamacare is the law because Obama was able to lie about it!

It is my opinion, that Obama’s decision to postpone Obamacare’s mandate that large businesses pay for employees’ healthcare violates the Constitution and that is “fix” does also. Since those decisions contravenes the Constitution’s requirement that a president take care that “the Laws be faithfully executed,”. Thus, Obama should be impeached, and convicted of the “high crime” of abuse of power. Of course, it will NEVER happen because the senate is controlled by another CROOK, Harry Reid. Thus, the senate must be flipped in 2014!

In addition, impeachment will never happen because of the following:

1. impeachment and conviction of a federal official rarely happen especially of a president! In fact, in the 225 years since the Constitution was ratified, only two presidents, Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998, have been impeached, but neither was convicted.

2. although the impeachment process is not supposed to be a partisan affair, it is decidedly political. This is how the senate comes in!

3. Obama is unlikely to be impeached is race. Although, Obama is screwing the Blacks, they still support him since he is one of their own!

4. The Washington D.C. Republicans would join with ruling class Socialist/Democrats to circle the wagons around Obama since they would not want to be called racists, the probability that he will remain in the White House until January 20, 2017 becomes a certainty.


Is America Headed To A One Party Rule

The Socialists/Democrats in the Senate voted to change the institution’s regulations related to the filibuster, thereby emasculating a political minority’s ability to thwart, or at least delay, majoritarian dictatorship on November 21st. Because of Harry Reid and the Socialist/Democrats, the Senate minority can no longer thwart the president’s nominations of judges to lesser federal courts or of executive department officials.

Although the filibuster can still be used in cases of nominations for the Supreme Court and of substantive legislation (which will most likely be changed – there’s even talk about now), the Senate’s historic power of “advise and consent” has been narrowed to just “consent” in many, perhaps most, cases. The Senate has been reduced to the president’s rubber stamp. If the Senate’s rules can be changed at the majority leader’s whim, what is to prevent them being altered again, even to the point of eliminating the filibuster, which used to be called “the soul of the Senate”? Is this change against the Constitution?

Harry Reid’s assault on representative government was probably an attempt to distract public opinion from ObamaCare. Will the Socialists/Democrats regret this change in the future? Yes, it makes it much easier to repeal ObamaCare! However, if this rule remains in place, American politics will be forever changed for the worse.

Initially, the rules in both houses of Congress allowed extended debate. Because the House grew, resort to filibuster fell out of use in 1842.

Thus, the House is considered much more a majoritarian institution than the Senate. In recent years, the minority party has been virtually powerless. In fact, it has been said that they might as well not show up!

Until November 21, the Senate’s rules — #XXII, specifically — permitted extended debate, which boils down to granting the right to a minority to hold up action on a bill or presidential nomination favored by a majority in the Senate.

Although the Senate once require a two-thirds majority to change the its rules, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Ballin (1892) that a simple majority vote would suffice.

Reid and his backers can have cited that case to justify what they did on November 21. Reid and the Socialists/Democrats, along with Obama, bloviated about “majority rule” and “democracy” to buttress the move.

The question remains, what about the minority’s rights? Never mind that when the Socialist/Democrats took over the Senate after the 2006 midterm elections, Reid solemnly promised he would protect the minority’s rights. In addition, let us not forget that many of the more senior Democrat senators who voted with Reid on November 21 railed against the GOP then majority’s threats to use the “nuclear option” when the at the time Democrat minority thwarted confirmation votes on George W. Bush’s judicial nominees. Of course, at that time they claimed to worry about minority rights.

There will be practical political consequences of Reid’s change of Senate rules such as Socialist/Democrat senators from red states having to vote on Obama’s socialist judicial and executive branch nominees. If those senators vote against Obama’s nominees, then there is a “good” chance that the leftist special interest groups may primary them. If, on the other hand, they vote in favor, they risk openly flouting public opinion back home. In addition, by making it easier for an overbearing majority to pass major legislation without bipartisan support, Reid’s rule change will probably result in less stable government. It has been said that the new Senate rule means we have a full blown tyranny of the majority (one party rule – Obama and his supporters).

We must not forget that the Senate’s rule permitting extended debate was intended to be a formidable weapon against majority ruling the government and putting in place what their leader (in this case, Obama) wants. Then, do the American people once again get screwed if the majority backs a charismatic tyrant? Do the American people really want to be ruled by a dictator?


Obama Delays Insurance Premium Rates Until After Mid-Terms

Once again Obama is showing that everything he does is political. The Obama administration plans to push back by a month the second year start of enrollment once the 2014 elections have taken place. Hopefully, the American people will see through Obama (besides, you is dumb enough to sign up when you are giving up your privacy rights so that the information given can be used by other CROOKS)!

Moving the filing deadline back a month gives insurers more time to assess the mix of consumers who enroll in plans in the first year they are offered through ObamaCare. And, of course, Obama supporter and who also helped design ObamaCare, Jonathan Gruber, has said, “The young, healthy people needed to balance the cost of care for older consumers aren’t likely to sign up in large numbers until March”. Does anyone, except for the White House, think this guy is a “non-partisan” and can give a true analysis of this blatantly political move?

The idea that insurance companies need more time to figure out who they are insuring is BS. This is just another law that Obama is breaking since he knows he can get away with it! This is an attempt by the Obama administration to stave off electoral disaster when sticker shock really bites consumers next year.

And even if the insurance companies do not reveal their premium hikes before the election, the fear of such will be there and will still play into the GOP’s hands if they proclaim how Obama tries to skirt the law!


Obama’s Lawbreaking Methods To Rule

As of today, the Republican members of Congress are contemplating actions to combat Obama’s lawbreaking methods of ruling from the Oval Office.

Republican officials have long claimed that Obama has violated the law and the Constitution through administrative actions on issues ranging from immigration to nominations to the U.S. military involvement in Libya.

Last March, nine GOP state attorneys general issued a report on Obama’s unprecedented officious lawbreaking that involved ObamaCare.

Obama, by many Republicans. has now reached the tipping point, however, with his illegal “fix” of Obamacare designed to overcome his lie that Americans can keep their health insurance and must now be reigned in from his lawbreaking policies! Because of Obama’s lies and the socialist/democrats not reading the Affordable Care Act before voting for it, Obama’s open lawbreaking following along with his lying puts the socialist/democrats’ electoral prospects at risk for 2014.

Obama’s unilateral actions in violation of the Constitution and even statutory law along with lying to the American people are brazen that they seem calculated to undermine our very system of government, even to the point that they can be called “un-American” from the perspective of our heritage. And the above statement does not even include Obama’s cheating to win the 2012 election!

No person, corporation, union boss or corporate CEO or no criminal who has violated the law could count every American as their victims. However, Obama can! In fact, he is the first president to outright lie to the American people!

One might want to consider that Obama’s (remember, he taught Constitutional law) view of the law is contrary to the one held by progressives, which is that the law is to be used to coerce behavior of the people even at the expense of individual liberty and property rights. Obama goes around Congress and makes his own laws.

These ideals are of law emanating from the people to govern government itself, a republican form of government with controls on those who govern has been around since the founding fathers!

The purpose of the Constitution is a law that does not merely constitute or form our government; it governs government. Violators of the Constitution are violators of law. Thus, Obama would fit in this category!

The American people are exceptional not by national origin, but because our national origin guarantees that we have law that rules the government that rules us – the CONSTITUTION! Obama believes he can fundamentally transform America by undermining the law. The signals for government bureaucrats to violate the law are everywhere in the Obama administration.

Congressional Republicans must rein in Obama’s lawbreaking? You cannot count on establishment GOP leaders to check on Obama. We need real leaders, like Ted Cruz, who will stand up and call out Obama as America’s greatest lawbreaker.


Obama Is The Ideal Vision Of A Liberal Man To The Left

To those on the left, Obama is the ideal vision of Liberal Man — set the U.S. firmly on a progressive path, and give out lots of free stuff (from “Obama’s stash,” as one admirer put it.)

Conservatives, on the other hand, see Obama as a demonic figure, the community organizer with zero management experience, a Muslim-communist with a plan to destroy the U.S. and the Western world as a whole.

If you take a look at Obama’s record, finance, the economy, employment, energy, healthcare, foreign relations, etc. in each case, Obama has taken the liberal agenda and made liberalism equal with “big” government and failure!

Take ObamaCare for example. ObamaCare has been a fiasco that will cause more damage than any other government sponsored operation since the heyday of the Marxist dictatorships in the mid-20th century. ObamaCare is literally disrupting hundreds of millions of lives. I’m sure there will be thousands who will die prematurely. In addition, I’m sure that there will be thousands who will be crippled or dogged by easily treated disorders. I’m also sure that millions will suffer serious economic stress. The so called Obama “fix” is just a political show for the people that will have zero effect!

When it comes crashing down, the media will fall dead silent and Obama will be out of office saying “see you suckers” while Obama tees off!

ObamaCare was put into effect just as its models in the UK, Canada, and Australia were in the midst of collapse, and several years after Sweden began desperately privatizing its national healthcare program to avoid a collapse. ObamaCare is a system that cannot be repaired, cannot operate without the cooperation of people who have already been cheated, and cannot be replaced. ObamaCare needs to be REPEALED!

Liberalism long ago ceased being able to exist on its own terms and instead adapts practices, ideas, and goals from some of the most repellent ideologies in human history. Today it is radical Islam, which liberals take as being identical to Islam as a whole. Liberals believe that we should “learn to live with” people who shoot schoolgirls, burn off the features of young women with acid, torture and behead people whose crimes amount to questioning passages of the Koran, and murder thousands of innocents of other creeds and backgrounds for no other reason than sheer spite. In the meantime, liberals expect us to forget about Christianity while school textbooks are carefully cleansed of any mention of Christianity and detailed accounts of the “contributions” of Islam to the West suddenly show up!

Remember, Obama is culturally Islamic (no way he could not be, having spent his formative years, even attending an Islamic school, in an Islamic country, Indonesia). Obama’s leaning toward Islam has been expressed variously in claims that Islam forms an “important part” of American culture and that Islam has made endless “historical contributions” to the United States in addition to screwing our allies!

Obama has bent over backwards by making covert efforts to provide the Islamic world more terrorists, more power to the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. Thus, we have seen Libya descend into chaos, with an American ambassador and members of his staff paying the ultimate price (BENGHAZI), and Egypt, the leading Arab power and a firm ally of the United States, almost overturned on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. And let us not forget the Syrians, the United States has found itself supporting “rebels” who tear out living hearts and eat them while all the wile providing military aid on the side.

The Obama administration is even now negotiating a treaty with Iran. Although, the details of this effort remain vague and is being negotiated by John Kerry (traitor), the first version was spineless enough that even the French were against it!

Many Middle Eastern leaders can tell you that cooperation with Obama is the mark of doom and that is why our Middle Eastern allies do not want to cooperate with us while Obama is still around. Obama’s responsibility for the deaths of Jews and other Middle Eastern people will be direct result of Obama trying to provide “Pease in our time” at any cost!

Obama has also destroyed what has stood as the last hope of liberalism since the New Deal. Once the liberals have blown things up, they turn to the GOP to fix it and make it work. In the past, Eisenhower acted as conservator of the New Deal and Nixon was the savior of the Great Society. Obama, however, with his lies, his insults, and his huge ego, has ruined that. While there are plenty of Republicans who would come to his aid such as McCain, Graham, Ayotte, and Rubio, to mention only a few, they can not. These Republicans can not since the party rank and file is infuriated and the tea parties, led by Ted Cruz, will not let them!

The slowdown of liberalism will be Obama’s great contribution to the American people in USA.


Were The Unemployment Figures Faked Before 2012 Election

During Obama’s 2nd term we’ve had several scandals. In addition, several scandals point to Obama using Chicago style politics to win the 2012 election. In addition to voter fraud (most know basic math and that you can only get 100% of the pie), we now learn that the unemployment rate was rigged prior to the election to show unemployment below 8%! The numbers started to be faked in August and ended in October!

John Crudele of the New York Post reports that the surprising decline in the unemployment rate reported by the Department of Labor just prior to the 2012 election, taking it below 8%, may have been the result of faked data by several employees.

Crudele’s source, who asked to remain anonymous for now, is, however, willing to talk with the Labor Department and Congress if asked.

This scandal deserves a Congressional investigation. I realize that they have a full plate on their hands because of the prior scandals, but we cannot let a CROOK and LIAR take control of our government and the American people.

Under Obama’s watch, we have seen fraud employed to influence the 2012 election regarding Obamacare, so it is not much of a stretch to believe that the unemployment data also was faked to influence the election. Because of all these scandals, this raises questions about the legitimacy of Obama’s victory.


Obama And Made In The USA

The first political casualty of the Obama’s disastrous launch of ObamaCare is a bipartisan Congressional revolt against crony capitalists’ effort to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty. In an open letter following his ObamaCare apology, 151 progressive Democrat members of the House of Representatives joined 22 conservative Republican members in sending a letter urging Obama to abandon asking for “fast-track authority” for approval of any new free trade agreement. Free trade agreements were initially hailed as a free market weapon to speed the defeat of communism, however it has turned into a tool to undermine American sovereignty and outsource jobs.

Congress wrote laws to oversee trade under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause. However, in 1974, Congress created fast track authority through the Trade Act of 1974 to give the president of the United States the ability to negotiate without filibusters or amendments a “substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis” as a free market weapon against communist expansion around the world. Free Trade act have been extended several times since 1980.

Following fast track’s expiration in the 2002’s, Congress ratified three separate trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. But in 2010, the White House began secretly negotiating the expansive Trans-Pacific Partnership between Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States. However, unlike past trade agreements, the text of the TPP is classified and members of Congress have only restricted access to it – Obama’s transparency!. If they do read the TPP draft text, they are not allowed to copy it or discuss any specifics of it. However, 600 large transnational corporations are on the advisory panel and have real-time direct access to the draft text revisions.

The Obama administration claims the treaty will allow Pacific Rim nations to not only trade goods with near-zero tariffs, but also reduce non-tariff trade barriers against the “free movement” of intangible services, investments, public projects, and intellectual property. There is a growing concern is that the “free movement” language in the treaty is a code phrase for a backdoor corporate power grab to swap outsourcing of American service jobs in exchange for international enforcement of a radical expansion of intellectual property rights for the pharmaceutical, media, and tech industries. Multinational crony capitalists know that if they clandestinely implant self-serving language into TPP, American federal, state, and local law must be “harmonized” to conform to the treaty.

WikiLeaks confirmed those suspicions by publishing a recent report. Most troubling section of the report is the blatant effort to grant “policing” powers and “supranational litigation tribunals” that trump existing American laws regarding “individual rights, civil liberties, publishers, internet service providers and internet privacy.”

The treaty undermines the “formalities” of registering copyrights by granting “unpublished works” protections of up to 120 years and uses a “3-step test” for enforcement that favors powerful transnational corporate interests over American small business and local inventors.

When the WTO was passed under fast track, Congress was only allowed 90 days to review the bill’s 60 separate sections and tens of thousands of pages before making an up or down vote after only 20 hours of debate and no right to introduce amendments. Despite this treaty at least as complex as ObamaCare, few members of Congress read the treaty or had the expertise to understand the breadth of its true intentions. One of the WTO “requirements” was that the Glass-Steagall legislation that separated banks and investment brokers since the Great Depression had to be repealed. Most likely the reason for the rise of derivatives and the 2008 financial crash!

Despite the conceptual benefits of so called free trade agreements, the WTO, NAFTA and other fast-track treaties over the last two decades, the acts have caused a net loss of 6 million American manufacturing jobs and the U.S. trade deficit to increase by 440% with the countries involved.

One must ask, how can American small businesses and workers, burdened by brutal regulations, compete under TPP with huge transnational corporations paying their workers in Malaysia and other 3rd world nations, where the minimum wage is at or near one dollar an hour. In fact, in Vietnam it is 30 cents!

Thus, passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership is the first political casualty from the ObamaCare scandal to evaporate under a bipartisan coalition of hard-left progressive Democrats and hard-right conservative Republicans.

Has Obama Fallen

Obama has woven a tangled web for himself and the Democratic Party, which passed his signature legislation in lockstep and has left him with no way out. Obama has screwed the socialist/democratic party with his many lies. Many lies are are becoming obvious in his signature program – ObamaCare! Many of Obama’s lies affect the health, wealth and welfare of every American. Thus, the media can not cover them up like they have done in the past!

The lies that insurance policies and doctors could be kept are only the first stage of Obama and the socialist/democrats deceptions on the American people. Obamacare was sold to the American people by Obama and the socialist/democratic party on the premise that it would not add “one dime” to the deficit when in fact it will add many dimes! In addition, Obama and the socialist/democrats also perpetrated a lie to the Congressional Budget Office by gaming the scoring rules. Instead of $900 Million, it is now almost $3 Trillion!

On November 14th, a day before the Republicans were to induce their fix, Obama announced his intention to change what Democrats only weeks ago were calling “settled law” without Congressional authorization, exempting health insurance companies from the mandates in that law until after the 2014 elections – was this a political move also! This is a joke, of course, since even if state insurance commissioners went along (the State of Washington commissioner has already announced he will NOT), there is no way that health insurance companies could re-do their paperwork in time for December 15th, the effective deadline for having policies in force on January 1st. The very industry Obama recently characterized as “bad apples” is now expected to pull his failure from the fire and perform miracles. This, of course, also makes the sub par policies OK to sell!

On January 1st, 2014, people with sick and injured family members will most likely be showing up in emergency rooms and told that they have no health insurance coverage thanks to Obama! Thus, bankruptcy, lack of treatment, and eventually, fatalities will result (can the government be sued?). Thus, it can be said that Obama lied and people died with the help of the socialist/democratic party!

The Congressional socialist/democrats are now really screwed. It is obvious that Obama’s fix will not work at a practical level (takes more that two weeks to write and mail those cancelled plus you still need states to approve), and that Obama’s attempt to shift blame to the insurance companies for failing to take advantage of the permission Obama gave them will not offer any cover if socialist/democrats vote against the Upton Bill. Votes by the socialist/democrats against the Upton Bill or the Landrieu Bill in the Senate, would be a gift to Republican opponents in 2014. Plus, Obama has threaten to VETO either bill if they reach his desk! Thus, Obama told another lie to the American people since he we not sincere in really fixing the problem that he caused!

“There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act that said that your insurance company should cancel you,” said Minority Leader Pelosi. (via Weekly Standard). Of course, this witch forgot that the regulations do just that!

In addition, even House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said at the time the statement was made, it was accurate. The problems with the socialist/democratic leadership is that the statements came when people who have an interest in ObamaCare!

Even in the unlikely event the website problems are solved on November 30th, Americans who pay income taxes and all along took responsibility for buying health care insurance will find themselves paying more each month to subsidize the policies of people who never took responsibility for providing their own health care insurance. And my guess is that most of those people most likely do not pay income taxes.

Starting January 1st because of Obama’s con on the American people, most will find their family budgets strained by the extra cost of health care insurance and thus will be cutting back on their spending elsewhere. Thus, say hello to the Obamacare recession!

The ObamaCare mess is exactly what you get when no one takes responsibility and the head of the government (CEO in a business) takes a hands off approach! Remember, Obama has zero experience in running a business – even a lemonade stand!

Obamacare is going to continue to implode in my opinion. Americans will suffer real harm and thus be more angry. Obama and his socialists mentors Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alinksy had in mind that to create change in government you must create chaos!


Remaking The Military

Comrade Obama is in the midst of overhauling the nation’s military. Obama is basically downsizing the armed forces while giving the military brass that does not agree with him the heave ho!

Obama is committing ideological warfare on the traditions and virtues that are at the core of the armed forces. Part and parcel of this war against the traditional military is the mainstream media neglected war on faith among our men and women in uniform. Especially, the Judeo and Christian faiths!

A few months ago, retired army general Paul Vallely said, “Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology.” The general went on to say, “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, BENGHAZI and Obamacare. He’s [Mr. Obama] intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

In addition, a pentagon official who asked to remain nameless because they were not authorized to speak on the matter said even “young officers, down through the ranks have been told not to talk about Obama or the politics of the White House. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job — just keep your mouth shut.”

In addition, Obama has said, “We’ll ask and you’ll tell your sexual preferences, and if your fellows in uniform demur, we’ll boot ’em. Oh, and you Jews and Christians in uniform, keep those beliefs to your lonesome. Or else.”

Obama is really making a smart move on his part. Obama is getting the guys with the guns and bombs and drones under thumb if they do not believe in him! As most Americans know, the military has long been conservative and traditional minded. The military whom on bended knees, prayed to God before battles, whom as Lincoln famously said, acted “with firmness in the right as God [gave them] to see the right” just can’t be trusted to carry forward a secular leftist revolution.

Judeo-Christian faith, and its expressions, are great targets for Obama. The See with your own eyes accounts of growing oppression toward Christians and Jews. You can see what Obama and his thugs are doing just by listening to the news or reading the newspapers. You will see headlines like: the August 27 Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty press release: “Documents confirm DoD taught that Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews, Mormons are religious ‘extremists’ like Al-qaeda.” Or the CNSNEWS ran this story on October 15: “DOD Bars 50 Priests from Administering Sacraments, Locks up Eucharist; Priest Sues,” this during the government shutdown caused by Obama (no negotiation and NO DELAY OF OBAMACARE). Or the Fox News report on September 6th that said, “Air Force cracking down on Christians”.

You will notice that no offense is given to Islam. In the name or fairness and inclusion, Islam is glad to be wielded to conquer Christians and eradicate Jews, but once dispatched, Islam will be its own sword again, turning on the godless left with bloody vengeance. Muslims have a greater disdain for the godless.

This from the Qur’an, 3.151 Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the Fire: And evil is the home of the wrong-doers!

The evidence is easy to find: Obama and the left are hostile to Judeo-Christianity and are seeking to expunge it from the military. Godly men and women in the military need to boldly proclaim their right to the free and open practice of their faiths. The faithful must reinvest our government and the armed forces, unapologetically.

The Obama LIAR cannot be permitted to make the military an adjunct of his plan to strip America of much of what underpins our liberty.